We kill each other, no doubt about it. Probably more than any race on this planets. Blacks, Africans, African American, or whatever the description, if you are of a dark skin race you know about death against your own people by your own people. Now I don't live in Africa, I am an American black so I can't speak for why these things go on over seas, but I can speak about what goes on over here, even though I'm sure that the reason's for the violence are similar.
Why is it that so many of our brothers and sisters find them selves in a position where they kill their own kind? Is it just our nature? I mean let's talk honestly, slavery might not have been such a problem if early African's hadn't mastered the process and taught the rest of the world the good old tricks of the trade. If you have doubts, I do believe Moses lead the Hebrews out Egypt, which is in Africa. We have a long history of slaving, selling, and killing our own kind. So, do we have the genetic make-up of a highly intelligent genocidal people? I say highly intelligent because our history also includes every major change and advancement in civilization since beginning of man, therefore I have know doubts we know what we are doing, we see what's going on, and we can intelligently process the information given. But for some reason we have the piece of us that excepts this on going crisis.
You can sit back and look at every other culture and race on this planet and see that they don't kill each other off at such a high rate.
My personal opinion is that we have become so desensitized to suffering and death that we no longer have the normal appalled reaction when own of us is slain by one of our own, and that is the scariest part of the problem for me. Why aren't we up in arms searching, not only for the person who committed the crime, but also for change, for solutions, for safety, and piece of mind. The ability to rest without worry when my 15 year old sons hangs out on his neighborhood corner on a summer night.
My last opinion about this might make a few of you angry but I'm going to say it anyways. We are weak, spineless, and cowardly. Now I really don't believe this but our behaviors have me leaning in that direction. In other culture crimes against your own people is dealt with swiftly and harshly, and the smart cultures make the family responsible for the punishment. This means if someone in your household commits a crime against your people you better handle it or the people will handle you and who ever did the crime. In some parts of the world if a family kills someone they charge the family for funeral cost, hospital bills, and the cost of ammunition if the police have to use deadly force. You know we do, march, have a picnic, tattoo RIP Huggy Bear on our stomach. The thing we hardly ever do is address the problem directly. Confront the pink elephant in the room that might be someone you love. How many times have we been in the same room with the problem and done nothing. That goes for all of us, Grandmas, Grandpas, Fathers, Mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. Now, for those of you who do and have done something we need you to do it again and again, for those of us who have done nothing it time for us to get off the bench and get in the game your people need you.
A lot of food for thought!